Department of Mental Health Nursing

Mental health nursing or Psychiatric nursing is the specialty of nursing that cares for people of all ages with mental illness or mental distress, such as schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, psychosis, depression or dementia. Nurses in this area receive more training in psychological therapies, building a therapeutic alliance, dealing with challenging behavior, and the administration of psychiatric medication.

The Department of Mental Health Nursing aims at providing quality education and quality clinical practice to the undergraduate students in the areas of preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of mental health.

Clinical facilities:

The students are trained in the following aspects for better care of patient:

  • The experts identified nine critical mental health aspects of the psychiatric nursing practicum. These nine aspects include: understanding and empathy, individuality, providing support, being there/being available, being 'genuine', promoting equality, demonstrating respect, demonstrating clear boundaries, and demonstrating self awareness for the patient.
  • Undergraduate students are sent to the in-patient and out-patient units of S.S. institute of medical sciences and research centre and mental health units at DIMHANS (Dharwad institute of mental health and neurosciences).
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